CUMIXAPHILISTS - Collectors of matchboxes |
Ladislav Ďurík - Bušince, Slovakia - collects all sorts of matchboxes ladislav.durik
Pavol Mateják - Trenčín, Slovakia - collects all sorts of matchboxes www.zapalkyconezhoreli.estranky.sk
Lukáš Koprivý - Nižná Slaná - collects all sorts of matchboxes
Jozef Škrabák - Poprad, Slovakia - collects mainly matchboxes with pictures of matches, wood, trees...
Martin Vesecký - Praha, Czech Republic
Roman Baroš - Brno, Czech Republic
Mirek Paštika - ČR, Czech Republic
Jiří Kajzner - Praha, Czech Republic video from his exhibition in 2012
Josef Krieger - Praha, Czech Republic
Jiří Riedl - Chrastava, Czech Republic - collects matchbox labels and matchboxes |
PHILLUMENISTS - Collectors of matchbox labels |
Pavol Veselský - Bratislava, Slovakia
Vladimír Gajdoš - Karlové Vary, Czech Republic
Miloš Kubiš - Brno, Czech Republic - collector of match labels and their history
Martin Dohnal - Hradec Králové |
Štefan Drexler - Častá - collector of monographs |